Stumbled across an article on engadget. Huge interactive multi touch screens. These things would be so handy used for navigation (such as in the image), as help desks in shopping centres, interactive maps. This could have such a big impact on a public usage scale. I know the tech has existed for a while but it is still nice to see it being implemented in a sensible way.
Huge Interactive Goodness
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
3:23 pm
Labels: personal develop
Was minding my own business reading fake steve jobs to ironically see a advert at the top for windows. Yes yes i know its all controlled by the content being scanned and "relevant" ad's being sent out but it still give me a chuckle :D
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
11:35 pm
This is a app i came across when reading through creativebits, It is basically capable of creating and removing thumbnails from the common image file formats as BMP, TIFF, TARGA, GIF (animated), PNG, JPG, PICT, PDF, EPS, ICNS, JP2, SGI ... text files such as DOC, RTF, RTFD, HTML, CSS, TXT and QuickTime supported Movies.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
8:47 pm
Cow Shed Productions
I really do normally hate flash sites... honestly... but i can make an exception this time because i think this is beautiful :-)
I find the illustrations simply stunning and beautiful. It has a very appealing interface using the "landscaped" to navigate around but for anyone who this may confuse they have a quick links section at the bottom to help speed things it. Its just a rather quirky site that i enjoyed playing around with for a while. I may actually consider making a flash site for my second part of personal development and actually see what it is like. I have always had problems with them mainly due to limited target audience and the fact that they generally can take a while to load... hmm to be considered...
Cow Shed Productions
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
8:30 pm
Labels: personal develop
I think i love this site...
and the car :P
I love the look and feel of the site. Normally i would dislike a flash only site but this pulls it off rather nicely. It loads rather quick due to it being clever. It firstly loads the interface and then piece by piece loads up other elements of the site, I imagine this is done using flash projectors? I can tell it is doing this as i can only click the text that turns white.
I love how smooth everything seems to move from one to another. It has some beautiful transitions and some rather nice yet basic animations. I seem to be a sucker for animation within a website....
now only if the web and world was ready for a 3D internet... oh well one day
Click for site
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
10:40 pm
Labels: personal develop