Shiny :D
Idea basically is that when in the cinema your walking on water. You then sit on fio's funky chairs and watch some immense college videos.
Cinema Room
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
6:24 pm
Labels: personal develop
Idea Mock Up
This is not what we are doing for our final build but i thought it would be a good idea to mock up any ideas we have so we can see roughly what they would look like and look at any problems we may have with some builds.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
1:53 pm
Labels: personal develop
Second Life Houses. . .
I found this nice piece within second life. It is nice to see people not taking such a litural approach to builds in second life. By this i mean most other people would have built actual houses rather then simply a few images chucked together to make a town.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
10:31 am
Labels: personal develop
Second Life Galleries
Well i decided to have a look at some galleries within second life and took a really good look around the Odyssey build we were shown during the briefing.
I first looked at Chris's gallery on the college island though because it slightly steps away from a traditional building and has a large open space in which to view work.
Then i had a look around a gallery i found a long time ago called space gallery. It has nice big open spaces but still remains traditional in the sense that it uses floors and stairs. This to me seems rather pointless considering we are within second life.
Then i looked at the Odyssey build as well as social network and had a little delve in to how the social network and second life interact with each other but i am going to take a closer look in to it before i post about it. I like the way it uses space though. It has nice open plan areas to view videos, shows and work. It is generally just a weird place with very few real life rules being brought in to second life. A tap dripping objects such as cars, floating seats and lights. Snapshots below.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
9:36 pm
Labels: personal develop
Left or Right Sided?
Found this earlier. Basically if you see the dancer spinning clockwise it means you mainly use the right side of your brain and if its anti-clockwise then you use the left. But if you focus elsewhere you can usually see it going the other way to the way you see it. Give it a try and let me know what you see.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
11:19 pm
Sneaky Advertising
I went on Rainbow Six Vegas to play some games on live with a couple of friends. There was a update to the game so as usual i installed it as there always very small and take about 20seconds to install. When playing through the casino vault map i noticed what seemed like a new addition. Every 5 minutes the wall poster would change and it advertised movies and games that are coming up.
Advertising is everywhere. . . .
>>Cowers<<. . . . .
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
7:58 pm
Labels: personal develop
Billy Bussey
Another rather nice website incorporating some simple animation. This guy (Billy Busey) intends on stepping outside the box on web design and wants to make it 3 Dimensional. My main grief with the website is the loading time between pages but this is made bearable by the nice animations to keep you occupied while all this is happening. I highly recommend anyone who is interested in interactive or animation to take a look. Also instead of just pressing enter press the intro button at the side. It is very nicely done as a piece of moving image and gives you a great feel for the work he produces. The website feels very peaceful to navigate around. Has very minimal feel and a rather calming soundtrack that shockingly enough does not get annoying unlike most sites with music (cough cough myspace) Take your time and have a careful look around his site.
Overall this is much better done then the previously posted Heeleys Gamer website. Let me know what you think.
Billy Bussey
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
10:49 pm
Labels: personal develop
Time Machine
I got my hard drive so obviously i had to set it up and start up time machine. The initial backup took a while as expected. I then created a file, forced a backup, deleted the file and hit time machine just to make sure it works and obviously enough it did. Im sick of losing my work so this will come in nice and handy.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
12:14 am
Fresh Start
Ok so after some discussions with Anna it was decided that even though the deadline it would be worth starting again. So i have been illustrating away...
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
1:59 pm
BLAH!!!!This ident thing for me has been absolute shabber. If maya didn't betray me with the vector render thing then i would have not been in this situation. Everything would have gone according to plan but that would have been to easy. So i got stuck with illustrating and animating it. Could not get the look i wanted for the illustration at all, it was in my head just couldn't get it out at all. The animation is just shoddy and to be honest im rather embaressed by it but what can you do?
This is going to be one of them things i have to brush off as a complete failure and just be glad im a lot more interested in interactive design rather than moving image as i don't think we seem to meet eye to eye. So much stress from this, i feel an extremly long run coming after college. . . . .
Shabberness below..
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
10:25 am