
insertsilence seems to be a very website but i think its awesome. I really do not have a clue how this was made. I sometimes am able to get my head around how atleast part of things work but this has me really well stumped. For that reason i really enjoy this site. I am not going to say to much as this is the site i am using for my presentation...

Insert Silence


Sam Miller said...

I enjoyed watching this in your presentation and decided to have a play. This is some very nice work, I've no idea how it works either but it's nice to interact with, particularly the Bjork one. I imagine the Bjork one will be some kind of series of movie clips that you can drag and drop.. but I don't know how Flash works :P

Liam Parkinson said...

Im glad someone enjoyed watching it i always get the feeling i bore people because i know i dont do well in groups of people.. so thanks :D

as for the inner workings, i only have a basic understanding of flash so really do not have the foggiest idea but i really want to start focusing on flash so hopefully one day i will work it out