So i woke up around 9am on Saturday morning as usual and went for a morning jog as usual. The weather wasn't to bad thankfully but could have been better. I ran up to Alwoodley Lane from Moortown and then back again. Not to bad i thought.
When i get back i got cleaned up and had a nice sausage sandwich for breakfast. Tried to get in touch with Bex to see how she was feeling but didn't hear anything until about 1:30pm. Guess she must be really ill to sleep that long, i went up to see her for a little bit, we started to watch a film but she kept falling asleep and looked really unwell so i went home and let her rest.
Later that day i went down to my friends house, we had a kick around and threw a rugger around for a bit. Then we had a couple of beers and watched the football game. The game could have been more exciting to be fair...
I got home and had my usual late night building usless stuff on second life, then watched CSI for a bit before falling asleep.
Diary Entry Day 3
Diary Entry Day 2
Ok, so a usual rather boring friday morning. Woke up around 8am to get ready for work since i started at 9am. Oh how i hate a 9 - 5 shift, i don't mind starting at 6.30 or 7.00 because i then leave between 2.30 and 3.00 because this means i don't lose my day.
After a usual day of work i was supposed to be going to see a movie with my Bex but she unfortunatly fell ill again. So she rested at home so i spent my evening on second life and playing on the 360. Caught up on Ghost Recon 2 which i must admit is awesome. Also watched spider man 1 and 2 back to back for some strange reason... not to keen of them just felt like it.
Diary Entry Day 1
Ok. So this is Day 1 Thursdays diary entry for my personal development project. I spent most of my day at college today. In the morning we are timetabled to critical studies in MM1 but it appears that we have finished this project as Janine our tutor never menthioned we had any more essays to write or anything of the sort. In the afternoon Mike asked us to produce an iCal document and print it off with how we want to manage our time for the project. I think this is now going to become a trend now with all projects but who knows...
Thursday evening was a rather dull one really. I came home and went for a run. Then when i returned i continued work on a website that i am creating for my uncle's paving company seen as his site is a little outdated now. Then i created a CD Label to be printed for the video project. Me and Shakes figured that some little touches such as this wouldn't hurt. I had a lovely Tuna Fish Pie for my meal then i played some Pro Evolution Soccer with my dad on the xbox 360. He tried his best as usual but i managed to push for the win in all three games. I doodled for a little bit while watching Skins on TV, it was the final episode, was rather good, but had an unexpected ending i must admit. Then i raided second life for a little bit as usual, i think i need to spend less time on second life....
iCal Document
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
6:14 pm
Labels: college, dairy, development, life, personal, second, thursday, xbox
Personal Development Brief
I chose to do the website that is about a day in my life. I felt this brief could be very interesting with some strong creative ideas that could go in to it. I have also always had a keen interest in website design for a few years and i think it might be a good idea to try explore this further and learn some things i currently don't know. Maybe look into web 2.0 a bit.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
9:07 am
Labels: brief, development, personal