So you have likely all seen this before but i am going to post it anyway. Its basically a website based around a theory that people cannot help but to click when navigating. It uses flash rollover interaction to help you navigate around the site. Any clicks detected will pop up with a question and from then on with a fuzzy screen. In a sense telling you off.
I really enjoy visiting this site from time to time. Its nice to see someone taking what we already have and having a different approach to it. Once you get passed to clicking stage you can play a few simple games that has been created and eventually using a mouse only interaction can become rather fluid.
Now obviously there is issues with this type of interaction as you may rollover a link or content you do not want and up it pops thus getting in the way. So i cannot really see this type of functionality taking over the old click method, especially in website design.
Anyway check out the link below and give it a spin.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
11:23 pm
Labels: personal develop
Mac Porn
ooo leopard, initially i don't seem to have any problems with any of the applications i used to use so all seems good. Spaces is good fun, new mail with the imap gmail is working great and a lot quicker (although the rss thing in mail is annoying) new safari displays webpages so much better and seems to scream as opposed to safari 2. Im loving quick-look but not really using cover-flow in finder much, it just doesn't feel natural when scanning through so many documents. Might be good in just pictures folders and generally media such as movies but thats just me.
If you have a 64-bit system you certainly feel a speed increase in the general os. Not had chance to try time machine yet, just waiting for new external hard drive, don't know when i will be getting that tho....
Generally a easy upgrade, so no need to worry about adobe, final cut, maya incompatibilities or anything incase anyone was, all seems OK.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
11:05 pm
Interactive and moving image.
Sort of what i am interested in doing. I want to go down the interactive design route but i enjoy my 3D modeling still so this site is a rather nice example of how them to pathways can mix in with each other.
Heelys Gamer
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
8:27 pm
Labels: personal develop
Art Style
Well im annoyed. Originally i was going to create the scene in maya and render it out as a vecter render. Guess what? I can't... well not really anyway. Since the vecter render requires PPC i cannot render it. Trying to turn on the plugin just results in a wrong architecture error. Switching to maya using rosetta is not an option either as it seems to take 40minutes a frame which is a veeeeeeeery long time. Sensible of Maya to release there software as "intel compatible" and leave some of it as PPC
Now thats out of the way i can concentrate on what i have now started to do. Yes thats right, im going to illustrate the whole scene. Here is a start demonstrating the art style i will be taking. Just out for any comments to see if you think this is relevent or not...
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
1:08 pm
Hulk PC Mod
Some guy turned a 13" figure into a PC mod. Has to be one of the most creative tower designs i have ever seen. No problems with cooling as well :-)
Go the below address and click the image for a very nicely done presentation of the mod.
Click Here to Read
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
2:10 pm
Kitsch Type Faces
Just some Kitsch type faces i was looking at. I rather like the top two type faces but i shall try get Kitsch 'n' Sync typed up in a similer type face and see how it looks.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
12:23 pm
Kitsch Style
Above is the sort of style that i would feel to be relevant to the style i am after. It has some of the old kitsch items in it but not everything. I am interested in the crazy walls they used to have with the weird pattern type designs. It does contain some appliances that may be added into the final scene.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
11:55 am
Storyboard Idea
I had the idea of using a dripping tap because i find the sound of a tap dripping rather relaxing. I actually came up with the idea because i was sat at the dining table struggling to come up with ideas and the relaxing sound of the tap was about the only thing keeping me sane.
I initially planned to do it as pure video and just time lapse it to music but after later thought and discussions it seems more appropriate to do it more as an illustration due to the 'kitsch' feel that it needs to take.
Ideally the tap will drop causing waves in the water which in turn plays the music. The tap continues to drip to the rhythm of the music and after a couple of seconds it slows and the ripples in the water die which kills the music. Then one final drip hits the water as to which brings the Kitsch 'n' Sync title and VH1 logo to the surface.
Posted by
Liam Parkinson
11:34 am